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Supply Chain Attack Detection

🦠 Malicious Code in Repository

Software development relies heavily on code repositories to store, manage, and collaborate on source code. However, these repositories can become targets for attackers seeking to inject malicious code into the software supply chain. This guide explores how Myrror Security safeguards your development process from such attacks.

Understanding Malicious Code in Repositories

  • The Threat: Attackers can gain unauthorized access to a development repository through various techniques like social engineering or compromised credentials. Once inside, they inject malicious code snippets into existing source files. This code can remain undetected for a while, potentially compromising the final application.
  • Types of Malicious Code: Injected code can take various forms, each with its malicious intent:
    1. Backdoors: Create a hidden entry point for attackers to gain remote access to the system.
    2. Data Theft: Steal sensitive information from the development environment or final application.
    3. Denial-of-Service (DoS): Disrupts the functionality of the application.
    4. Logic Bombs: Trigger destructive actions under specific conditions.

Mitigating Malicious Code Injection with Myrror Security

Myrror Security, the leading SCA solution with a focus on reachability and exploitability prioritization, offers a robust defense against malicious code injection:

  • Code Review and Analysis: Myrror Security performs static code analysis on your codebase, searching for patterns and anomalies indicative of malicious code injection. This includes identifying suspicious function calls, data manipulation techniques, and unusual code structures.
  • Vulnerability Detection: Myrror Security's comprehensive vulnerability database identifies known techniques used to inject malicious code. This allows for immediate detection of suspicious code and potential vulnerabilities.
  • Reachability and Exploitability Focus: Myrror Security prioritizes vulnerabilities based on their reachability and exploitability within your specific codebase. This ensures development teams focus on the malicious code with the highest potential for causing damage, optimizing their security efforts.

Configuring Myrror to Scan for Malicious Code Detection To enable the detection of malicious code, you can add it from the settings of Myrror. Myrror supports using scan configuration that developers can configure and use as per their requirements. In these scan configuration options, there is a portion with toggling the Tampering & Risky Code (Trojans) section. Enabling this option would enable the detection of malicious code in repositories.


Open the Scan Configurations menu and select scan options that need to be updated with Detection of Malicious Code or create a new scan option if required by clicking the + button.


Multiple Scan configurations can be configured and used as per the requirements and frequency of scanning.

Recommendations for Developers

Here are some best practices to prevent malicious code injection:

  • Implement Strong Access Controls: Enforce strong access control measures for your repositories, including multi-factor authentication and least privilege principles.
  • Code Review Practices: Establish code review practices within your development team to identify potential vulnerabilities and suspicious code changes.
  • Utilize Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD): Integrate automated security checks within your CI/CD pipeline to identify vulnerabilities early in the development lifecycle.
  • Use a Secure Code Management (SCM) Tool: Leverage an SCM tool with features like version control and audit logs to track code changes and identify any unauthorized modifications.
  • Stay Informed: Keep yourself updated on the latest trends in malicious code injection techniques and vulnerabilities.

By following these recommendations and utilizing Myrror Security's advanced SCA capabilities, developers can significantly reduce the risk of malicious code injection within their repositories and ensure the security of their software supply chain.

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